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Cookbook: Mirascope x Langfuse integration

Mirascope is a Python toolkit for building with LLMs. It allows devs to write Pythonic code while profiting from its abstractions to common LLM use cases and models.

Langfuse is an open source LLM engineering platform. Traces, evals, prompt management and metrics to debug and improve your LLM application.

With the Langfuse <-> Mirascope integration, you can log your application to Langfuse by adding the @with_langfuse decorator.

Let’s dive right in with some examples:

# Install Mirascope and Langfuse
%pip install mirascope[all] langfuse
import os
# Get keys for your project from the project settings page
os.environ["LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY"] = ""
os.environ["LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY"] = ""
os.environ["LANGFUSE_HOST"] = "" # 🇪🇺 EU region
# os.environ["LANGFUSE_HOST"] = "" # 🇺🇸 US region
# Your openai key
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = ""

Log a first simple call

from mirascope.langfuse import with_langfuse
from mirascope.openai import OpenAICall, OpenAICallParams
class GeographyGenius(OpenAICall):
    prompt_template = "What's the capital of {country}?"
    country: str
    call_params = OpenAICallParams(model="gpt-4o", temperature=1)
genius = GeographyGenius(country="Japan")
response =  # logs to langfuse

Example trace

Trace of simple Mirascope execution in Langfuse

Let’s make this more complex

We’ll use

  • Mirascope’s @with_langfuse decorator to log the call to Langfuse within the Mirascope classes
  • and Langfuse default @observe decorator which works with any Python function

to create and trace a fun rap battle and group everything into a single trace.

from import ChatCompletionMessageParam
from mirascope.openai import OpenAICall
from langfuse.decorators import observe
class Rapper(OpenAICall):
    prompt_template = """
    SYSTEM: This is a rap battle. You are {person}. Make sure to defend you {position}. Only drop two lines at a time, make them rhyme.
    MESSAGES: {history}
    history: list[ChatCompletionMessageParam] = []
    person: str
    position: str
zuck = Rapper(person="Mark Zuckerberg", position="Open source will win in VR/AR/Visual Computing", history=[])
timapple = Rapper(person="Tim Cook", position="Apple builds the best headsets as we are integrated in software and hardware", history=[])
# utility function to update the history of both rappers
def add_to_history(new_line: str, rapper: str):
    zuck.history += [
        {"role": "assistant" if rapper == "zuck" else "user", "content": new_line},
    timapple.history += [
        {"role": "assistant" if rapper == "timapple" else "user", "content": new_line},
## use the langfuse @observe decorator to log any Python function and wrap all logs within it into a single trace
def rap_battle(lines: int):
  # Make sure that the battle starts of juicy
  add_to_history("Yo wassup Zuck, I hate OSS", "timapple")
  for i in range(lines):
      zuck_line =
      print(f"(Zuck): {zuck_line.content}")
      add_to_history(zuck_line.content, "zuck")
      timapple_line =
      print(f"(Tim Apple): {timapple_line.content}")
      add_to_history(timapple_line.content, "timapple")
  return [item["content"] for item in timapple.history]

Head over to the Langfuse Traces table in Langfuse Cloud to see the entire chat history, token counts, cost, model, latencies and more

Example trace

Trace of complex Mirascope execution in Langfuse

That’s a wrap.

There’s a lot more you can do:

  • Mirascope: Head over to their docs to learn more about what you can do with the framework.
  • Langfuse: Have a look at Evals, Datasets, Prompt Management to start exploring all that Langfuse can do.

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